Here is the page of It's On Me Taiwan merchant
It's On Me Taiwan
It's On Me Taiwan

It's On Me Taiwan

Retailer Notice

This merchant is temporarily unavailable but we hope to have them back soon.

獎勵只適用於旅遊交通 / 精選商品 / 3C用品 / 生鮮冷凍館。購買其他產品會獲得較多獎勵。

About It's On Me Taiwan

全新線上商城「it’s on me」,是以滿足 55688 百萬會員日常生活需求,所打造的購物平台。販售搭車金&優惠商品的電商平台,消費不限金額,直接回饋扣除運費後消費金額的 60% 搭車金。