Here is the page of Saraceni Wines merchant
Saraceni Wines
Saraceni Wines
62 Miles / GBP10
Saraceni Wines - International Merchant

Saraceni Wines

When will I get my Miles?

Tracked within i5 day(s)
Awarded within i105 day(s)
Stated reward is for new customers only, existing customers will earn a lower reward.
Rewards are not calculated on postage / handling / delivery costs or associated purchase taxes in your region (This may include but not be limited to VAT, GST etc).

About Saraceni Wines

Saraceni Wines is the story of a family transforming its little-known business into a leading brand on the Italian and global wine scene. Born in the heart of Tuscany, the brand combines innovation and tradition.

They are renowned for their colourful sparkling wines including Blumond, Splendia Fragolino, Hugo Spritz and Volare Pink Grapefruit. Their most iconic product is the sparkling blue wine, Blumond, available in different sizes (from mini to magnum bottles). The deliciously fruity wine is devoted to celebrating life’s special moments with elegance, extraversion, and glamour.